Building greatness. Together.
Since our inception in 1990, we’ve developed a time-tested and repeatable approach to help drive transformative change in our portfolio companies, increase their value, and position them for the next stage of growth.
Thesis-Driven Investors for Scalable Growth
We are dedicated to identifying and investing in opportunities that we expect will drive transformational change, leveraging our Capvalue Framework® to build scalable platforms and fuel meaningful business transformation.

Creating Value Using a Time-Tested Framework
The Capvalue Framework® helps accelerate business transformation. It provides industry best practices, access to subject matter experts, technologies, and human and capital resources, to help companies scale quicker and create value faster. The framework is flexible. It’s adaptable to the needs of companies based on specific stages in their evolution.
Transformative Partnerships
Real success stories that showcase our thesis-driven investments, driving meaningful business transformations and scalable platforms for lasting prosperity.
Ready to get started? Let’s talk